Reports and Grading            Introduction to Algorithms and Informatics          Spring 2011    

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1. The course grade is based on 3 reports with due dates: Mon. May 16,   Mon. June 13,   Fri. July 15 by 5pm (note new time!)

2. Each report will be graded pass/fail.

3. Final grades:  A: 3 passes,   B: 2 passes,  C: 1 pass,   No Credit: 0 passes.
    Graduate students may try for an S grade by passing all three reports, and doing additional optional bonus questions.

4. Reports will be based on exercises given in class, which will be posted on this web page.

5. Reports should be left in the report box at the entrance to Engineering Building 10.

Teaching Assistant:
Paku Daichi
Engineering Building 10, Room 324

Turing test (See lecture summaries July 13)      The computer answers are
b, b, b, b, b, a, a, a, a, b

Third  Report.          Due July 15,  5pm, Engineering #10 1F       Project Drop Box  June 29 question revised July 13!
The questions for this report are now complete.

June 15: Diet Problem
Review the slides for the diet problem. Now formulate your own diet problem using at least 6 foods available from your local supermarket and the packet labels.
Choose at least 4 daily requirements mentioned on the labels, such as calories, fat content etc.
(If you cannot read Japanese, you will have to make up some reasonable data.) Also
put in any other reasonable constraints that you can think of.
Finally solve the problem using a linear programming solver such as this one:

June 22: Graph drawing.
Either by hand or by using any software you can find, find a nice way to draw the mystery graph given at
which has 17 nodes and 49 edges.
By nice, I mean in a way that you feel gives some information about its structure. Can you guess what the graph represents?

June 29 :Random Prime generation. Set up your own random number generator based on X_{n+1} = 11 X_n + 3 (mod 10)   (Revised July 13: the earlier formula does not make a permutation!)
(a) Choose any seed X_0 and verify that the generator gives a permutation of {0,1,2,...,9}
(b) Add 5 to each of your numbers, so you have a permutation of {5,6,...,14}.
(c) Use Fermat's test to find the first prime and the first non-prime in your permutation. (Call a number prime if it passes 5 Fermat tests with 5 different values of a)
(Review modular exponentiation)

Second  Report.          Due June 13,  5pm, Engineering #10 1F       Project Drop Box
The questions for this report are now complete.

May 18: (k-nearest neighbour rule)
In this exercise you will use this rule to predict the cholesterol content of McDonalds sandwiches.
First review  slides 20-22 from the lecture. Next choose a sample 10 different sandwiches from the list at:

Record the data: (Total fat, Saturated Fat, Trans Fat) and Cholesterol for each sandwich.
Now choose three other sandwiches.
Use  Euclidean distance and the k-nearest neighbour rule to predict the cholesterol level for each based on the data (Total fat, Saturated Fat, Trans Fat).
Do this for k=1,2,3. Which value of k gives the best results?

May 25:  Find a small network of 5 or 6 linked web pages. Discard any extra external links and calculate two iterations of the PageRank algorithm.
If you know how to program, you may also write a small program to calculate this.

June 1: Do the reading for today's lecture. In a known plain text attack you know a message M and its encryption C.
In a
chosen plaintext attack you can generate your own message M and get its encryption C.
Explain, using examples, why a chosen plaintext attack is more powerful than a known plain text attack for (a) a general substitution cipher (b) a transposition cipher.
(In a substitution cipher each letter of the alphabet is mapped to an arbitrary letter. In a transposition cipher you permute the order of blocks of n letters, for some given n )

June 8: Work through by hand an example of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange for three users A,B,C, using p=13 and g=2.
(a) Create a public key for each user. (b) Use these keys to establish a private key for each pair of users.

First Report.          Due May 16, 5pm, Engineering #10 1F       Project Drop Box

The questions for this report are now complete.

April 13: Consider the algorithm gcd2(a,b) for finding the greatest common divisor when a >=  b > 0. (Similar to GCDbad in the class notes)


1. If a=b then output a and stop.

2. If a > 2b compute gcd2(a-b,b) else compute gcd2(b,a-b).

(i) Prove that gcd2(a,b) correctly computes the greatest common divisor of a and b.

(ii) What is the worst case behaviour of gcd2? Ie. if a has n digits, estimate the maximum number of times gcd2 is computed as a function of n. Compare with Euclid's gcd(a,b) discussed in class.

April 20: (Question 1 corrected  April 22)

1.  You are given an undirected graph with all vertices of even degree except vertices s and t which have odd degree.
Directly prove by giving an algorithm that there is a path from s to t that uses every edge at least once.

2. Review the Party theorem for 6 people. Use it to prove the following:
In any party of 11 people there are always either 4 mutual friends or 3 mutual strangers (or both).
Hint: Pick any person. Either she knows at least 6 people or she does not know at least 4.

April 27: Solve the shortest path problem described here using Dijkstra's algorithm.
There are 40 edges. Assign weights at random, using each of the numbers 1,2,3,...,10 four times each.
Show only the first three iterations of the algorithm in detail.
Give the final answer, showing the set S and the distance from s to each node in S,  directly on  the given graph.

Optional Bonus Question: Show using elementary arguments that the Sieve algorithm for listing all primes less than or equal to n runs in time polynomial in the output size.
You should not quote any theorems, but try to find a direct proof yourself.

The algorithm is as follows:

Build a list of all the integers greater than one and less than or equal to n.
Strike out the multiples of all primes less than or equal to the square root of n,
then the numbers that are left are the primes.