Introduction to Algorithms and Informatics        Spring 2010

Prof. David Avis                          Wed 10:30-12


"Look around you. Computers and networks are everywhere, enabling an intricate web of complex human activities: education, commerce, entertainment, research, manufacturing, health management, human communication, even war.
Of the two main technological underpinnings
of this amazing proliferation, one is obvious: the breathtaking pace with which advances in microelectronics and chip design have been bringing us faster and faster hardware.
This book tells the story of the other intellectual enterprise that is crucially fueling the computer revolution: efficient algorithms. It is a fascinating story. Gather 'round and listen close."  
from:  Algorithms by Das Gupta, Papadimitriou and Vazirani    

This is an introductory course on algorithms and informatics for students with no prior knowledge of the subject matter. The course content will include a look at the early history of algorithms, how computers store data (image, sound, and video), privacy and security issues, web design and algorithms, algorithms for optimization, data mining, and machine learning. Along the way, we will consider a broad variety of algorithms which have had a major impact on computing, including many of the celebrated "Top 10 Algorithms of the 20th Century," chosen by the editors of Computers in Science and Engineering.

* Course Outline 
* Lecture summaries and links
*Reports and Grading

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March 17, 2010